
From what I have surmised, Swoop seems to be the second most popular Dinobot after Grimlock. He also probably was the Dinobot with the second most screentime. He was usually portrayed as the friendliest of the Dinobots, but was just about as stupid as the rest of them.

Check out Swoop's Tech Spec!

Swoop Along with Snarl, Swoop was one of the two second wave Dinobots built by Chip Chase, Wheeljack, and Ratchet to bolster the Dinobot ranks. At about the same time, the three original Dinobots Grimlock ,Sludge, and Slag were duped by Megatron into turning against the Autobots. After this insurrection was quelled, Swoop and Snarl were accepted into the Dinobot fold with no questions asked, apparently. Swoop always seemed to be the weakest of the group - and the smallest. When the Dinobots were captured on Cybertron after leaving the Autobot ranks, it was Swoop who escaped and procured the help of Spike and Carly who eventually helped free the other Dinobots. After Transformers: The Movie, Swoop and the rest of the Dinobots, except for Grimlock seemed to only have token appearances.

If you want him in good condition, Swoop is the most expensive Dinobot to purchase today. The reason for this is Swoop's relatively brittle construction. He is the smallest of the Dinobots in toy form, and is the easiest to break as well. Once you get past these points, you will see that Swoop is a very nice piece. Both Dinobot and robot mode are fairly consistent with the cartoon. Swoop comes equipped with two rocket launchers, three missiles and the obligatory energo sword that seems standard issue amongst all the Dinobots. Swoop shines, and earns the lofty grade of A-. Swoop Toy

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