Slag's toy sucks!! There is not much I can say positive about it, unfortunately.
In dinosaur form, Slag is fairly decent. His resemblance to his cartoon version is uncanny, and he looks fairly
impressive. After transformation into robot form, we start running into problems. First off, Slag comes equipped
with these tiny little sissy arms and hands in sharp contrast to his behemoth legs. This gives him a very awkward
look. To compound matters, his tail just seems to hang behind him, and doesn't really conceal well. When the Dinobots were
handed weopons, Slag got screwed, because while the other Dinobots all have pretty cool armament, Slag come equipped with a
a sword, rocket launcher, and a ridiculous
little silver pistol; basically a Deringer for a Dinobot. In closing, I would like to say that a great injustice was done
to Slag when his toy was created, because he is a really cool character. Overall, a grade of D+.