
I've never been a big fan of the motorcycle Transformers such as Wreck-Gar and Groove. It just seems that the whole "robots in disguise" idea is shot to hell when someone sees a motorcycle riding around without a driver. My opinion of Groove just goes downhill from there.

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Groove Groove had the least screentime of any of the Protectobots, so there wasn't much depth to his character, really. He was seen with the rest of the team up through the final episodes.

Groove is the crappiest of the Protectobots in every sense of the word - including as a toy. For starters, his motorcycle mode is completely out of proportion with the rest of the squad (he is as big as Blades , for the love of God - a helicopter!). Once transformed, matters don't improve. Groove is the right leg of Defensor and that is the sole reason anyone would ever buy him. Overall grade of D+. Groove Toy

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