First Aid

First Aid was a surprisingly likable character, given the fact that he was a pacifist. He was one of those ancilliary characters that was never anyone's favorite, but seemed to be pretty cool, nonetheless.

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First Aid Of all the Protectobots, First Aid seemed to have the most screentime. This was probably due to the fact that Ratchet was killed in Transformers:The Movie, and First Aid was now the chief Autobot medic. First Aid was portrayed as a pacifist, who hated going into battle against the Decepticons. Once, while First Aid was the only active Autobot in Metroplex to stop him, Swindle stole Metroplex's transformation cog. First Aid didn't stop him, and then felt so guilty about it, that he temporarily left the Autobots. Eventually Hot Spot talked him into coming back, because he was the only Autobot who knew how to properly install the cog that the Autobot stole from Trypticon. Eventually, First Aid installed the cog correctly, and Metroplex proceed to bitch-slap Trypticon. From this point on, First Aid knew how much the other Autobots respected and appreciated him.

First Aid is one of those smaller Gestalt members that you buy strictly for forming the Gestalt, not because he is someone who is particulary cool as a toy. In ambulance form.... well, what can I say? He is an ambulance - not too exciting. He does come with the "Stunticon-esque" twin cannons that you can mount on him in vehicle mode (although this seems to be a contradiction - an ambulance with cannons? ). As a robot, First-Aid is solid. He comes equipped with a pistol in this mode. Overall grade of C+. First Aid Toy

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