At this point, it is glaringly obvious that I love Superion. Superion and Menasor have always been cast as the antitheses of each other in both the comics and the cartoon. With that in mind, it has always been dificult for me to be a big Menasor fan. It's like being a huge Syracuse fan, and trying to root for Georgetown; it just isn't going to happen. |
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When Megatron decided that the Decepticons needed a way to combat the Autobots on the ground, he had Rumble steal 4 cars and a tractor trailer, and made them into 5 Decepticon drones. These drones did not yet have life breathed into them however, and Megatron had to take them to Cybertron's ancient computer, Vector Sigma. Vector Sigma then infused them with life. To combat this new threat, the Autobots constructed the Aerialbots. Eventually, the two squads met. The Stunticons formed Menasor, while the Aerialbots formed Superion. With help from Omega Supreme, Superion proceeded to kick Menasor's ass. These two teams were pretty much arch-rivals from that point on. The Stunticons went on to be invaluable assets to the Decepticon forces and, until the Predacons arrived, were their mightiest Gestalt team. |
I have never been a big fan of Menasor in his toy form. While the cars are nicely crafted, I've always thought that Motormaster was an inferior toy. Of course, as the torso of a Gestalt, if a team leader sucks, it is very likely that the whole Gestalt will suck as well. This is the case with Menasor. Menasor comes equipped with Motormaster's cyclone rifle and his sword. He is the smallest of the mainstream gestalts. He is not a very good imitation of the cartoon Menasor (and visa versa, thank God!). As hinted at, most all of these problems can be attributed to Motormaster's shoddy craftsmanship. In all, while the cars have always been pretty cool, in my opinion, they can't make up for Menasor's overall lack of appeal. Overall grade of a C. |
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1) Motormaster |
2) Breakdown |
3) Wildrider |
4) Dragstrip |
5) Dead End |
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