
I always wonder if Streetwise's introduction in the cartoon made Prowl expendable. Apparently, someone thought so, as Prowl was killed off in Transformers:The Movie. It would be hard to still like him if this were true, so I prefer to not think so.

Check out Streetwise's Tech Spec!

Streetwise Once again, Streetwise was a character that didn't have a lot of appearances alone on the cartoon. He was usually appearing along with the other Protectobots. He was security officer for the Autobots, a job that Prowl and Red Alert had held before him.

Streetwise is an alright toy, but nothing particularly special. In car form, Streetwise is a police interceptor that resembles Prowl a great deal. Very sleak-looking, he comes equipped with twin cannons (much like the Stunticons have) that can be mounted on him. Once transformed, Streetwise looks a little awkward with no distinct legs, and a strange overall design to him. He comes armed with a pistol. Streetwise forms the left leg of Defensor. Overall grade of B-. Streetwise Toy

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